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AP World History Was My Hardest, Yet Most Enriching Class

AP World History Was My Hardest, Yet Most Enriching Class

When I was in high school, I signed up for an AP World History class thinking that I would coast through the course and earn college credit by passing the advanced placement exam at the end. While I did receive college credit for passing that exam, I did anything but coast through the course, and found it to be one of the more challenging classes I have ever taken.

I was a sophomore or junior at the time, I don't remember which, because I had the same teacher for both AP World History and AP U.S. History. His name was Mr. Lemons, and he was the best teacher I ever had, at any level of education.

I was always pretty good at history, and it was a subject that I truly enjoyed. I felt certain that I would make my way through AP World History class with no trouble whatsoever, but I soon discovered that the world is a big, big place and it has been around for a long, long time. The things I thought I knew, I did not really know, and there were many things I did not know in the first place.

I distinctly remember studying ancient Egypt in AP World History and being awestruck by how well Mr. Lemons knew that portion of history. He could tell me so many things about the different pharaohs and architecture, and I could not begin to understand how somebody could retain so much information. It was as informative as it was humbling, and I learned early on not to be so cocky about my knowledge of history.

I remember learning about the history of the Middle East, and Stonehenge, as well as all of the Germanic tribes and how they sacked Rome. I think my favorite subject to study in my AP World History class was the Middle Ages in Europe. I loved the Renaissance as well, but the Middle ages always fascinated me because of all the great battles that took place during that time period.

When I received my first test score back, it was an 84, and I was pretty disheartened. I felt that I knew the subject matter rather well, but in fairness, I had not studied very hard. I made the mistake of assuming that because I was interested in a subject and had read about it, I would know the answers to the questions he was asking, and that simply was not the case.

I made an effort from that point on in AP World History to really study before every test and quiz. I managed to pull an 'A' in the course, but I was not nearly as happy about that as I was about all of the historical knowledge I had picked up along the way.
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