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Applying to College Does Not Have to Be Complicated

One of the biggest complaints that I hear these days from aspiring college students is how complicated the application process is and how much work has to be done. It certainly can seem overwhelming to a student not familiar with the process, but the reality is that applying to college does not have to be a complicated ordeal.

The first step when considering applying to college is to read over all of the instructions the application provides and then write them all down in succinct, manageable tasks. It is amazing how just enumerating what steps one needs to take to complete the application process can make the task of applying so less formidable.

Once that is complete, come up with a plan of attack in terms of how many of those tasks should be accomplished each day. For instance, I personally made it a point to try to get one step of the application process done every day when I was first applying to college, and within a week, I was completely finished.

This is a good idea for a couple of reasons. First, it is not such an overwhelming endeavor when applying over a period of several days. Second, it allows the student the opportunity to do a stronger job on each individual task, which makes the overall application better and thus increases the likelihood of acceptance into a college or university.

One of the things that many students find daunting when applying to college is that a lot of universities ask for essays. It can be a little scary if a person does not consider themselves to be a particularly strong writer or does not know where to begin. Again, I would stress that the same procedure for applying to the university, in other words, taking it step by step, should be followed. I have never been very big on outlines as a writer, but in this case, I think it is very appropriate.

An outline helps you plan exactly what you want to say and how you want to say it. All of the details can be worked out in the outline process as well. It makes that particular component of applying to college that much simpler and far more approachable than just trying to sit down and begin writing an entire essay from scratch.

The biggest thing to remember when applying to college or a university, from my standpoint, is just to give it plenty of time. If you make out a list of steps that must be accomplished in order to apply and make it your objective to accomplish one each day, it will seem a lot less intimidating than trying to do it all at once. The most important thing is not to put it off until the last minute!
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