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Beds for Children

Buying beds for children is no parent's ideas of fun, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare if you plan ahead for it. The key is to get a bed that your child will enjoy for a long time to come. There's nothing wrong with race car beds, princess beds, sailing ship beds or other custom, fantasy children's beds, but you have to get them at the right time and for the right kid. If your child is into a new thing every week or every other week, went a little while before getting him a new bed. If a month goes by and he still wants that race car bed, get him one, but tell him first that he'll be stuck with it for the next couple years.

As a parent, you also need to think about how often you can afford to buy your child a bed. Beds for children come in a wide variety of sizes, but bigger is almost always better than smaller in my opinion. When your child hits a sudden growth spurt, the last thing you want to have to do is immediately buy him a new bed. Purchase a bed that your kid will grow into to save both money and hassle

You also should consider your lifestyle when buying a bed for a child. Does your kid have friends come to sleepovers often? Are you going to have another child within the next years and, if so, do you have an extra room for him? It may make more sense to invest in a bunk bed now rather than waiting and having to buy one down the road. Bunk beds allow your kid to play host easier to a friend and can accommodate cousins and future children. They are not the best idea for everyone, however. Bunk beds for children are a bad idea if your kid is rambunctious or has poor self-control. Even with the railing, it is easy for a child to climb, jump, or roll off the side of a bunk bed if he has the inclination.

If you have the room in your house, old mattresses from adults make great beds for children. Your child will appreciate the space a queen size mattress gives him, and it will save you money. You can even make a special super bed by piling up several old mattresses and box springs in your child's room. Your kid will love the bounce a double or triple mattress gives him. Make sure that the mattress is still in pretty good shape, however; a lumpy mattress can give kids backaches too.
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