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Catching Up with Meso Circle

We had a lovely lunch yesterday spent with Helen and Barry followed by Helen been mauled by a 10st Black bear.
I think Helen fell head over heels with the Black Boy and for a person not too keen on dogs certainly enjoyed the loves he was giving her.

It was great to catch up again so soon after LA, but I must admit I was a little envious as they had come from seeing Take That at Sunderland on Friday night.

Although it is terrible that we met through having mesothelioma and would never had met, the only good thing about meso is that you meet some wonderful people, unfortunately they are on the same journey as yourself.

I had hoped that we would have had a family walk over the woods today, our niece has arrived to stay for a few days and hubby finally tracked down a large ramp that enables Bear to walk straight into the Jeep at a lower ratio and much more rigid so it doesn't buckle under his weight.  The weather though has turned to wild winds, so no walking out for me.

I decided to try and sync my blackberry with the computer and managed to loose photos!  I think I need a few lessons in technology.  How do kids of 11 manage to get new things and know exactly what to do with them?

Here is a very nervous me before going down for cryo in March.  See all hospital gowns are the same the world over!

I think the shake on the camera was the fact that hubby was more nervous than I was. 

The man of the moment, of course Dr Abtin.  This is on the main drag to Santa Monica.  We were sat at the corner of 15th.  Must admit the sandwich we had for lunch there was the best food we had eaten the entire time we spent in LA.  This was the Friday after the procedure and hubby and I walked the 16 blocks down to the coast.  It doesn't sound much does it 16 blocks but it was a good 40 minutes both ways.  Thankfully it was flat!  I don't think I should have done so much but Dr Abtin didn't seem that surprised at it.

I have to say that I wish I was feeling lots better, and after talking with Helen it is a relief to know that she also has some of the same uncomfortable areas.  Especially the feeling of having a constant stitch in your side. 

My GP rang on Friday evening to see about sorting my next scan out and to check up on how I am doing with the Gabapentine.  Thankfully he is quite happy with me only taking 2 a day.  Guess I should go and have a chin wag but will leave that till after the scan.

I hope the meso meeting went well in USA, Dr Abtin was presenting after Dr Waller, hopefully they may pick up on the thoughts of cryoablation over here. Especially if they can see it helps, yet we do have thermal so why isn't that getting publicized. 

I have also asked my GP to ask for a definition of the thickening, is this what Dr Abtin identified as the 15 pin heads, also to check on the 3 nodules on the right lung.

Am ending here as I have just heard some terrible news about a fellow meso friend.  Why are we told that this bloody cancer  hardly ever does spreads from the lung......

If you are a believer in something called healing or Rikki please send your energies to Alan, it will know where to go.  Our hopes are your hopes.


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