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Doing Something about the Nasty Surprises the Bill for yourCell

Doing Something about the Nasty Surprises the Bill for yourCell Phone Plan can Bring

Do you always feel a shiver of apprehension every time your cell phone bill arrives? It could be for good reason. Cell phone bills seem to bring nasty surprises to too many people too often. If you do have a monthly cell phone plan that requires you to make a minimum payment whether or not to use your phone, you do know that there is no chance that it could be any lower than the minimum payment. But higher, it really can be. And it often is. But if you find yourself in this tiresome situation more often than you care to remember, you probably want to know how many other people there are out there who go through what you do. A survey by a consumer group finds that people in general find that they run the a of 1 in 20 that they'll find at least one cell phone bill every year that is at least $80 higher than they expect it to be. And if you want to count the number of people who get nasty surprises that aren't as big as this, the number would be far higher. About 20% of cell phone subscribers in the country have experienced unexpected rises in their cell phone bills of some kind. And one unhappy customer this year received a bill for about $60,000. He complained to the FCC.

The FCC is finally stepping in to put an end to all the nasty surprises that the bill for your cell phone plan can bring. Cell phone carriers from now on are supposed to tell their subscribers when they seem to be reaching the limits that their usage their plans allow - whether it be for calls, for data use or for text messages. This way, they hope that subscribers will feel adequately warned and will taper off their cell phone use once they see that they are about to go over their limit.

What with the way cell phone carriers are all dropping their unlimited data use plans, the nasty bill shock problem can only get worse in the future. Now the governments proposal to help you out aren't drastic by any measure. All they ask for is that you be warned adequately before you go over the limit your cellphone plan allows. Consumer groups are not happy with this though. They want your participation in your decision to go overboard to be far more explicit. They want carriers to actually obtain permission from you before they allow you to use anything over your limit. They want that unless you give your cell phone carrier explicit permission, that they cut you off. That's about the only way to make sure that you don't ever get a nasty shock in the mail.

Of course, the carriers love bill shock. They actually depend on it. If they warn you and you cut on your usage, they would stand to lose. They are fighting any moves by the government to make them help you. They're lobbying, they're suing, they're filing objections. They are claiming in fact that their First Amendment rights are being violated. If they don't want to talk to you, their customers, they hate that they should be made to. It's against the law, they say, to force anyone to speak. In certain cases, companies like T-Mobile and AT&T to offer you the ability to be warned when overages for about begin. But they can remove those services at any time. And they have.
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