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Get Rid of Clutter Today. It's Easier than you Think

Get Rid of Clutter Today. It's Easier than you Think

Do you know that feeling when you are in a hurry to leave and you can't find your cell phone charger; you're ready to take a shower and you just don't know where you put that new package of soap? Did you ever try to fix yourself a quick cup of coffee during a commercial break and found it difficult to retrieve the coffee machine from behind all the clutter on the counter. Each time this happens, it's only understandable that you find yourself stressed. To get rid of clutter isn't just about being a neat freak. It can also be about de-stressing your life. A house that's messy can translate into a life that is all stressed.

How do you know that your house isn't just casually or fashionably messy? How do you know that you have a real problem on your hands? There is a simple formula that can help you with that. If you have company coming over in about a half-hour, straightening your house up shouldn't give you cold sweats. That should be some kind of measure of how messy things are. So how to get rid of clutter when you see that your house has somehow crossed some line? You could take the phone off the hook, roll up your sleeves and get ready for a three-day nonstop cleaning extravaganza; but that kind of thing is likely to wear on you - and to turn into quite a source of stress in itself just when you think about how you need to do this one day. A lot easier it would be, to just take control of your situation in small, manageable moves. Stress, if you never noticed, only builds as long as you aren't doing something about a problem. Stress doesn't really care about whether you've solved a problem; it just wants you to do something about it.

Use these little tips to start to get rid of clutter around the house investing no more than a half hour each day in it. Just take care of one part of each room each day and you should be good to go. Making room is about the first thing you need to do in your mission to get rid of clutter in your house. Take out all the drawers one by one, sort through all the contents, throw away what isn't necessary. When it comes to things that you would like to keep even if you don't use them more than once a year, take them out of the drawers and put them away somewhere less accessible. Drawers are for everyday stuff. If you find that there's stuff there that you don't use even once every two years, that needs to probably find its way to your garage on its way to your yard sale.

One reason that clutter builds is that you often don't have a place for it. And merely having a stack of old magazines in one place doesn't really count as having found a place for it. You need to find a place for everything and you need to find it in a place that's close to where it gets used the most. Bedsheets and linen go near a cupboard near the bed; towels and stuff go in a closet in the bathroom; clothes go in the wardrobe of the person who wears those clothes.

Do this and you'll find that you have plenty of space in the most important parts of your house. Your kitchen counter will have space for things that you use all the time; your wardrobes will have all your best-used stuff. Things that aren't used all the time get relegated to the attic or some out-of-the-way closet. For everything that is unclassifiable, what you need is a bunch of little boxes or baskets. You find these organizing aids at any home improvement store. Find those creative little solutions, and put away all your magazines, envelopes, little knickknacks. Getting rid of clutter can be all about finding new homes for stuff that never had one.
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