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A Growing List of Colleges Offers Free Tuition

Your average private college today, will accept a high school graduate and give her a four-year degree for the modest bargain-basement price of $100,000. In a higher education environment such as this, is it even conceivable that there still could be free tuition options left? At a number of colleges throughout the country, higher education, should you wish for it, can be completely free. And the number of colleges there are that offer this option is growing. Quite apart from this, there are about 75 colleges around the country today, the Ivy League ones included, that operate on a no-loan policy. They don't tolerate loans; instead, they guarantee grants to help families with their college costs. Let's look a bit closer at this idea of affordable college with this list of colleges of repute.

Let's start with colleges that actually charge no tuition. Consider the Cooper Union school in Manhattan, New York. This is a college that has earned a reputation for itself for its outstanding programs in engineering and architecture. Affordable education for all is the raison d'tre a of the Cooper Union institution. They have an endowment of a half billion dollars that keeps the tuition free. Of course, the fact that they are free makes them really attractive to hundreds of thousands of students around the country; they have some very stringent acceptance standards and 92% of all those who apply fail to make the cut. The list of colleges where tuition is free doesn't end with the Cooper Union of course. Harvard and Dartmouth are two colleges where applicants who come from families that make very little - less than $75,000 a year or so - get in for free.

The wonderful thing about the Ivy League schools is that they aren't exclusive. They aren't like private schools where only the moneyed are welcome. These are places that welcome talent and the ability to work hard. For about 13 years now, Princeton has offered grants in place of student loans. The University of Pennsylvania has a no-loan policy as well. And their generosity doesn't depend on the kind of family income background the student comes from. At some schools, the offer is only open to in-state students or to students from certain low-income backgrounds. At Brown University, the cut-off is $100,000 a year; at Vassar, it is $60,000 a year. The list of colleges with a no loan policy runs much longer. Boston University holds such policy for graduates of Boston's public schools. Rice University and Vanderbilt University have need-based programs too.
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