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Being Reimbursed your Medical Costs to do with going Holistic

Being Reimbursed your Medical Costs to do with going Holistic

It's been a whole year since the Healthcare Reform bill passed and Americans still have trouble, getting some kind of basic insurance cover for their medical costs. Actually, Americans spend about a half trillion dollars more each year on health care than the government will even acknowledge. Mostly, it's because people choose to spend their money on treatment methods that are kind of below the radar - unconventional alternative medicine as it were. It's pretty clear what's happening. Americans are fed up with $200 x-rays and $1000 MRIs; as George, incited by Cosmo, says in Seinfeld, they're going holistic. It costs less and sometimes, it offers simpler ways out of a health condition.

A poll done about five years ago by the National Health Interview Survey found that about 10% of Americans, lots of children included, use acupuncture on some kind of regular basis. The Chinese medical technique that has a practitioner cure you with fine needles inserted strategically at several points in your body, is growing in popularity today in America. At one time, this was pretty off-the-wall; there were no regulations and you had to be something like a new age hippie to even think of it. These days though, acupuncture has been around for long enough to gain a bit of respectability. There are federal regulations governing it and the FDA says that only qualified practitioners using sterile single use needles are allowed to practice. A licensed acupuncturist can charge something like $50 a session. Those are drastically reduced medical costs. At a regular doctor's, that wouldn't get your foot in the door.

So do employer-sponsored medical insurance plans cover things like this? If you have that, and if it's comprehensive, you probably wouldn't need acupuncture. But they do cover them. About one in two policies does. Congress keeps debating legislation that would allow acupuncture to be recognized as completely legitimate and valid. The National Institutes of Health have found that acupuncture can be quite effective a way to address several serious health conditions; and that even so, the tens of millions of Medicare beneficiaries and government employees not allowed access to this method of medicine. The Federal Acupuncture Coverage Act, when it is passed one day, soon (hopefully), could take care of that.

In Colorado, lawmakers are in the middle of an attempt to make it more straightforward for acupuncturists to get paid by the insurance companies for services rendered. Even where it is allowed, insurers still easily deny medical costs arising out of acupuncture. Many insurance company employees are still not completely aware of all that is allowed. And when they do allow this, they will cover only a few visits a year - even when several kinds of acupuncture treatment take several months. Before you accept coverage from an insurance provider, make sure that that they cover the medical costs for at least 50 visits a year.
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