Diet Tips

Hot Water Heater

I have always enjoyed the conveniences of modern life and the fact that I don't have to worry about most things. I never think about my plumbing, electricity, the way my car runs, the way the traffic signals work, or even the way my computer is operated. I just take it for granted that these things will continue working, and for the most part, they do. When they fail, however, they fail spectacularly. Sometimes, when everything goes wrong it makes me wish that I knew more about the way that the systems in my life work. I know that is exactly how I felt when my hot water heater went down.

Even the most technically minded people I know don't know very much about hot water heaters. It isn't that hot water heating is that complicated a process it isn't. It is simply that most people have an instinctual belief that, if it involves gas and fire and seems to work well on its own, you should probably leave it be. In a lot of ways, this attitude makes sense. Unfortunately, it has some unintended consequences. One of these is that few people get their hot water heaters checked until it is too late. They assume that, year after year, shower after shower, the heater will continue to flawlessly operate. Unfortunately, these assumptions can sometimes have pretty tragic consequences.

It is amazing how many things can go wrong with a hot water heater. The hot water heater repair technician who came to service when it went bust explained all the things that could happen. The temperature gauge can go, the pilot light could burn out, the heater could even explode! In my case, it was simply a matter of the temperature gauge. All of a sudden, there was nothing but cold water.

Unfortunately, this happened during a deep winter freeze. My pipes burst, flooding my entire basement. I thought I was the most unlucky guy in the world. Not only did I lose some valuable personal possessions, but I also had thousands of dollars of damage done to my house. Apparently though, it could have been much worse. If the pilot light had gone out and the house had flooded with gas, I could've died. This is why it is important to get your central heating system, hot water heater, gas stove, and other potentially dangerous appliances checked regularly. The consequences of not doing so are extremely serious.
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