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Information on Drugs and how they are becoming Acceptable Today

Information on Drugs and how they are becoming Acceptable Today

Drugs in America, certainly don't enjoy as large a consumer base as, say, tobacco or alcohol (of course, people don't come out and say that they like marijuana; but the estimate is that 10% of America loves the stuff). Nevertheless, if, say, marijuana were to be made completely legal today, (it is only legal in some states today when bound by a number of restrictions) it would generate about $50 billion a year. And the thing is, the climate to do with what people think of marijuana is changing. It isn't prosecuted like it used to be;and the government doesn't really think that it's a terrible destabilizing force. Let's try to get closer to the subject with a little information on drugs and how America is slowly beginning to accept it.

How do you take a product that is illegal to use for anything other than medical reasons and turn it legitimate? There are original attempts all over the country. In Colorado for instance, there is a certain Denver restaurant where the owner holds a cooking class for seniors. The cooking class is unexceptional in every detail; except perhaps one - all the recipes they teach at the restaurant include the marijuana leaf (well, they do call it a herb). In any other state of the country, the restaurant owner would be arrested for dealing in drugs. In Colorado, his activities make him a kind of local celebrity. Marijuana is such a popular business opportunity in America today. Hundreds of formerly well-employed executives who were laid-off in the recession have learned some information on drugs to do with how they could be getting in on the ground floor today if they went into business for themselves. They're starting off dealing in high-quality medical marijuana. They take advantage of the way how in certain states around the country, marijuana possession is no longer a crime. They feel (and they are probably right), that in time, marijuana is going to become legal and completely socially acceptable. When that happens, they want to be the brand names that define the industry.

Even today, at a time when marijuana is only legal for medical purposes, businessmen who grow the weed to sell at $350 an ounce, find that demand is difficult to keep up with. There are all kinds of marijuana brands today that try to define the experience of using the drug the way the makers of fine wines try to have their names associated with quality. In states like Colorado that allow medical marijuana, there are so many marijuana stores at regular high street locations that it would be easier for you to find a marijuana shop than a Burger King or a KFC.

Certainly, parents can give their children some information on drugs and how they're bad for them. But when there are stores all over the place selling the stuff, the power of the message can become a little blunted. For their part, marijuana marketers ask parents about the message they give their children drinking beer in the home. America had a kind of strange problem on its hands up until two years ago. On the federal level, marijuana was illegal; if your state allowed it, and you carried marijuana, you could still get arrested for committing a federal crime. All that has changed today. President Obama has directed law enforcement agencies across the country to not make an arrest if a person was in compliance with state laws. The scene seems set for a marijuana revolution.
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