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Keep Your Long Term Memory Alive

When you recall things, you are using two different types of memory. You have a short term and a long term memory that you can use to keep going through the day and throughout your life. Though you may think that memory is memory, and once you try to remember something it should stay with you always, that is not always true. There are some things that we only need to remember for a short time, though you may commit it to long term without realizing it. Some memories are lost, but you'd be surprised about how well you can recall something when you really need to do so.

Your short term memory is different than your long term memory because it can be things that you discard. This might be when you have to get a few different things that you have to get at the store. It could be that you have just enough to get that you don't need a list so you commit the list to memory. In the long run, there is very little chance that your brain stores this list long term. You won't remember those five things in a few months, and for some people, they won't remember it in a few days. This type of memory only needs to be used for the short term, so the brain pretty much erases it.

However, something that is committed to long term memory is something that you want to remember forever. This is what you may have learn in school, for example. While it may take you a bit to pull these things up, and you may even need a refresher course on some things, most of this stays with you throughout your life. One you sleep on something that you want to remember, your brain stores it in your long term memory and it should remain there. Recalling it can be a different story, but it should always be there.

One time you you may want to pull up your long term memories is when you lose someone close to you. You may pull up memories in sharp detail without even realizing that you have stored that information. You can go back to a place where you spent time with this person and remember sights, smells, and even feelings with startling accuracy. This may be the brains way of helping you remember what is most dear to you and what comforts you when you lose what means the most. This is not an exact science of course, but it makes sense that this is what is going on.

Long term memory is also the trivia that you pull up when playing a game with friends, or when you are watching a program on television and you realize you knew more about something than you thought. Long term memories should stay with you, but the ones that you use the most are the ones that are most readily available to you. If you are having trouble with recall, you may want to find some games or programs that can help you jog your memory. It is one of those things that you may lose some of if you don't use it regularly. Take a trip memory lane once in a while so you can do so whenever you wish.
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