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Link Building Tips

When you look at how the internet works, one thing becomes clear, no matter what angle you look at it links are the basic connectors, the basic relationship that forms and possibly directs the web. While there has been a lot of hype about link building being devalued by search engines like Google; that is not exactly the case. What is simply happening is the fact that links that shouldnt count are being devalued and more emphasis has been placed on those that count, trusted links. So how does Google determine trustworthy and untrustworthy links? One way is through verification they use user data, the age of the domain as well as other hard-to-spoof elements. So really, links are still the key to rankings and there does not seem to be any change in the foreseeable future.

Since good, original content is what keeps visitors coming back, you need to have that there are no shortcuts to good, reliable links. At the same time, link building is not rocket science. One of the best ways to have people link to your content is to create tips articles. For example, you can have articles like 10 easy tips to help you enjoy your holidays. Now that is very tempting to link to isnt it? Or how about something like this: 10 myths about Halloween. Sometimes, flattery is the easiest way to develop a good relationship, especially from authority figures: 10 gurus you should listen to when it comes to project management. If I was listed as one of the gurus, I would definitely link back to you and share that link with others. Of course, you want to share that link with the gurus to get them to notice you in the first place.
Link building can also be done from the inside out. You can try to develop authority by having content that is easy to understand and that has clear privacy policies. When you have good content that is clear of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, even librarians will link to your site and eventually, with persistence, you may be an authority figure. Social bookmarking also seems to work for some. Sites like allow people to tag related sites and when people find these tags, they may follow the trail back and may eventually land on your site. Other similar sites are Digg that can expose you to other bloggers who may link to you. Dont forget also the power of social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The more links you place on these sites, the higher the chances they will be seen and lead people back to you site.
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