Diet Tips

Wedding Anniversary

16 years ago today we had temperatures up North of 26 degrees, the summer really was nice, the gardens were beautiful and the church was over hot.  We had to repeat our wedding vows because we missed our surnames out and the wedding was stopped by the registrar so we had to begin again.  The nerves of the poor minister after that were terrible, he kept dropping his notes and was pouring with sweat. 

That day seems like yesterday, it was so hot, the weather summers were once made of, in fact I think that is the last proper summer I can remember.

Neither of us thought I would still be here today but thankfully I am, if I hadn't been married to hubby would I have put myself through the same tough treatments - I just don't know.  Does it come down to who we are with at the time as to whether we hide our heads or get down to a fight. 

Hubby is off to see the docs today about his stomach, I do hope today they decide to send him for some tests.  I am hoping they say you have to cut down on the Bacardi and cokes, maybe his stomach might shrink!

Well have to shower and get to work.  Hopefully will be writing this time next year and celebrating another anniversary.

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