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Update on Blogs

Once again I have had a quick interview posted on a blog, it's nice when you get invited to do something like this, people who don't have an insight into living with mesothelioma can read about someone who is going through it.  If you want to read it you can find it Here.  I know that I have given free reign to quite a few guest articles and I believe they bring something different to our everyday blogs.

For those who don't blog but want to let others know about the events that have happened while living with mesothelioma Linda Reinstein is putting together a book, together with sharing your stories on line at ADAO.

Speaking of Books, my book cover finally came, the artist David Byrne, (No not that David Byrne!)has done a wonderful job at creating the images and his pencil drawing of our Bear is fabulous.  Funny how I've used our Bear as a central character, hubby told me that I wasn't allowed to make him a bad guy, would I!  So today, with the help of another friend of Liz's, the book should be up on Amazon.  I truly hope it sells a few, more so because part of the proceeds will be going to Mick Knighton MRF then hopefully a big chunk of it if the book sells.  I would like to have a few printed so that I can feel the achievement in my hand.  Writing a fiction and bringing the plots together isn't as easy as I thought so never again will I criticise when writers forget something that was important in that chapter but never mention it again.
The sun is actually shining this morning and although I promised my brother I would go into work this morning I think I will instead be taking the dogs with hubby over the fields.  A bit of bonding time required as they only see me at the moment as the treat lady.  Every night I get the paws and the looks so I will either give them a rodeo or a shape or bonio, my knees are all marked from their claws. 
So a busy day ahead better get by body into the shower and get those dogs out, trying to follow the instructions on Amazon regarding formatting lost me off so I guess a clear mind will be required for this afternoon.
To all the warriors out there at the moment battling health issue's I hope they are resolved quickly and those on chemo, my fingers are crossed and prayers are with you.

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