Diet Tips

Gaining Energy .. Just

With the hint of spring around the corner .. well nearly, this week has flown.  Its the last week of our main Company's final year so last week was a little of a nightmare, then I have been on site with the houses everyday as well.  Although I don't call it resting on Friday I went with hubby to his sisters and had a hand in some decorating.  I know that I will suffer from stretching but it was worth doing something different and I do enjoy getting stuck in.

I did suffer, this morning, but I refused to stay home and sit on the sofa feeling sorry for myself because it just makes you feel stale anyway.  Out we went with the dogs and although it was colder today than yesterday I did enjoy our tramp around.  I managed an hour's visit with my mam but as always she makes life hard for herself.  Over the last couple of weeks her legs and feet have swollen beyond what the skin can take so they were weeping buckets as well as hurting.  She refuses to walk unless she needs to go to the loo and no matter how much I moan at her to get up and do something she just ignores.  Today was no different, I said come on lets walk around the house and get those legs moving ... 

.. mind eldest brother takes no notice either, his head isn't getting any better and I think he looks worse.  He had his staples out on Thursday and the nurse again told him he had to rest ... he needs to take a leaf out of our mothers book!

I heard from Linda in the States, seems her sister still hasn't had her radiotherapy, there goes my belief that things get followed through faster there than here.

Speaking of USA the solicitors have been in touch again, something to do with the American Government having a fund set up for people with meso which may have been contacted through the English ran companies.  Maybe something nice might just happen, not that money can buy you health but hopefully will go to helping the cause.

Our new mattress arrived on Thursday and you sink into it, I must admit my ribs didn't feel as bad as normal the last couple of nights but I daren't say too much to soon.

Nev came through his surgery on Monday, although like me his bp falls drastically and he ended up staying over.  It did affect his ms as his speech was still slightly slurred on Friday but he is such a strong person, he was in pain because he was in a grump all week.  As for the results, at least 2 weeks before we know what is growing down there.

I had my scan on Wednesday, I am a little nervous but then I haven't really got any new pains, just my old ones getting worse!  I only hope I can get my hands on the CT Scan as Dr Abtin is eager to review.

I hope Debbie's forthcoming trip goes ok to see Prof V, Cliff is doing ok and all we can hope for is static\stable results.  I don't know how they are doing it again, but I know that when the time comes we all find that inner strength and fight it all the way.

Next week will be another heavy duty for me I don't know whether I have enough steam to keep pushing myself at this pace and will probably end up on the sofa for a long week end before long.  I said to hubby today that we need to decide what hols we want to take and when, I think the dogs will have to go to kennels this time but I want to find a different one, Lexi needs a lot more comfort now that she is getting on, plus her bum is nearly back to normal, one week of not keeping on top of it can set her back again.

Wishing everyone the best and remember no surrender


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