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Excessive Bile and Mesothelioma

Why do I have the worst experience when being treated?  On Saturday the guy came to insert the needle for my sedation for the endoscopy.  I had used elma cream so I wouldn't feel it go through my skin, he missed the vein then spent 5 minutes pushing the needle this way and that.  I had to ask him to take it out and try another vein, my hand was throbbing.  They say you don't know when using elma if the vein has been missed - believe me you can!  So he went for the elbow, couldn't get it in, again he spent time trying to get it in, another 5 minutes of pain.  Changed arms, it went in, some slight adjustment but finally he was happy.  Went to theatre and the anaesthetist complained, it was in the wrong arm!  I explained about the doc missing my veins and said once you put the stuff in you'll have to catch me before I fall, don't think he saw the funny side though, but I went out like a light, he must of managed to get me in the right position. 

News is I have bile from my throat all the way to my duodenum - on looking excessive bile up it can cause weight loss, loss of appetite and the feeling of being full all the time, can cause nausea and vomiting together with a whole host of other complaints we have when on and finishing chemo.  I seriously think that this is a side effect from the chemo but due to the way meso pains work we don't feel this.  It can also cause liver disease, my bloods showed some elevations.  Its just a thought but one to hold on too.  As for treatment, at the moment I have been instructed to go back on omperazole and two others that I just can't remember - Chemo brain.  So because of the Ultra Scan showing something else in my Bile Duct I also have to have a Barium Meal, haven't the date for that but I still think chemo has had a bearing on all this trouble.

Hubby was on the computer the other day and for some reason checked the time so he took a snap shot of:
I think he had a spooky moment to get it exactly on time.

The wind finally died down today and I thought I am going with the dogs today, I thought this as I went for a shower.  As I was soaping away I heard a thud on the shower door, it was Bear.  He hardly ever comes upstairs, I think he caught my wavelength and heard me thinking I was going with them.  He was all excited.  He kept coming in and out to tell me to hurry up.    He even waited at the top of the stairs until I got dressed, then when I was he came running at me, grabbing my hand then running between my legs.  I would hate to think I was shorter - I would forever be bruised.  It was a good job I didn't change my mind, otherwise when we came down the stairs I think he would have pushed me!

I said to Hubby I am always in the same coat for every picture you ever take but there again it is the warmest coat I own!  Bear stayed by my side most of the walk, which he doesn't usually do.

Then Lexi decided to do her favourite of running through my legs...

It's hard work when both her and Bear are trying to do it together, thankfully Bear didn't follow.  I couldn't believe how much water is still over the fields and how far the pond has expanded. Thankfully Bear doesn't bother going in but one day I think he might.

So that was our morning, we came back and I tried to eat, nothing at the moment is wanting to go down, I feel like I have a large lump at the top of my stomach.  Hope it will go as I can smell the Roast Beef cooking in the kitchen.

That's my news for the day, I hope when I wake tomorrow the tablets have finally got back on top of the bile and I feel somewhat better.  I am hoping that the bile is causing a lot of the other pains, that would be nice, instead of it being the Mesothelioma.
Christmas is so close I really must get out and do the small gifts, the chocs etc.  I always buy chocolates for the doctor's surgery and the chemist.  I have just finished writing out our Christmas cards so some of you may get them late (sorry!).
That's it from me for today, I hope that Steve is on the road to recovery from his chemo last Monday, Chris hasn't been as sick on his second dose - so things are improving there.  For Jimmy who was badly treated when rushed into hospital with pain last Sunday, they didn't want to do anything saying it was the meso, it turned out to be his appendix and they burst.  Doctors forget we are still human and can suffer from other ailments.  I'm pleased to say he is on the road to recovery but I hope his wife takes it further.  To the rest of the meso community I hope you are all stable and on top of the meso.
Dr A is still trying to get hospital's interest in cryoablation, please if you are seeing your oncologists mention his treatment, it may not cure but it can help.

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