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Mesothelioma Chemotherapy-How to Reduce the Side Effects of Nausea and Vomiting

Chemotherapy drugs for mesothelioma cancer work by targeting and killing rapidly growing cancer cells but because these drugs are transported round the body they also affect other normal rapidly dividing healthy cells of the body thus leading to normal cell destruction which causes most of the side effects attributed to them. Although side effects are not always as bad as you might expect, many people worry about this part of their cancer treatment.

The commonest side effects of chemotherapy are:

-nausea and vomiting
-hair loss
-fatigue (tiredness)
-increased chance of bruising and bleeding
-anemia (low red blood cell count)

Nausea and vomiting are 2 of the most common and most dreaded side effects of chemo. How often you feel these side effects and how bad they are depend on the drugs you are getting and how they affect you.

Nausea and vomiting may start during treatment and last a few hours. Sometimes, but less often, severe nausea and vomiting can last for a few days. Be sure to tell your doctor or nurse if you are very nauseated, if you have been vomiting for more than a day, or if your nausea is so bad that you cannot keep liquids down.

You can reduce this nausea and vomiting by changing the way you eat and using certain drugs that help to reduce the impulse to nauseate and vomit{these drugs are called anti emetics}. There are different kind of anti emetic drugs,and you might need to try more than one drug before you will find the one that actually works best for you.

About half of the people getting chemo feel queasy even before treatment begins. This is called anticipatory nausea, and it is very real. The best way to handle anticipatory nausea is by taking effective anti-emetics to prevent vomiting, and by using relaxation techniques.

These following measures will help to reduce nausea and vomiting:

-Do not take big meals that make your stomach too full at time. Eat frequent, small meals throughout the day instead of 1, 2, or 3 large meals.

-Drink liquids at least an hour before or after mealtime instead of with your meals.

- Eat and drink slowly.

-Avoid sweet, fried, or fatty foods.

-Let your meals be at room temperature or at cold temperatures when you want to eat so that you wont perceive the strong smell and aroma of the meals.

-Try and chew your food well before swallowing so that it can digest easily.

-If nausea is a problem in the morning, try eating dry foods, such as cereal, toast, or crackers, before getting up. (Don't try this if you have mouth or throat sores or are troubled by a dry mouth.)

-Drink cool, clear liquids, such as apple juice, tea, or ginger ale that has lost its fizz.

-Suck on ice cubes, mints, or tart candies. (Don't eat tart candies if you have mouth or throat sores.)

-Try to avoid odors that bother you, such as cooking smells, smoke, or perfume.

-Rest in a chair after eating, but don't lie flat for at least 2 hours after you've finished your meal.

-Wear loose-fitting clothes.

-Breathe deeply and slowly when you feel nauseated.

-Get your mind off the disease and your treatment by talking with friends or family members, listening to music, or watching a movie or TV show.

Bello kamorudeen.
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