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Alarming Mesothelioma Statistics For You to Know

Mesothelioma is not a very common disease with about 2000-3000 new cases seen in the US every year.

-There was a gradual increase in the number of cases of newly diagnosed mesothelioma victims in the United States from the 1970's to the 1990's after which the number became fairly constant. After the year 2000 and beyond the number has likely been on the decrease.

-Mesothelioma is more common in men. It is four times commoner in men than in women.

-The number of new Mesothelioma cases is still increasing in European countries.

-Mesothelioma commonly affects people over the age of 55 years, it is very rare to find Mesothelioma in people under the age of 55 years and its incidence increases with age, about 90% of people diagnosed with Mesothelioma are over the age of 65 years.

-This cancer is commoner in Caucasians and Hispanics than in African Americans or in Asian Americans.

-The mean lifespan of the victims of this deadly cancer is between four to eighteen months. About nine to ten percent of mesothelioma victims live up to five years after diagnosis. The lifespan of individual cases depend on many factors including the stage and the degree of spread of the tumor at diagnosis, the age of the victim at diagnosis, general state of health, and some other factors.

-It is however important to note that most of these survival data were collected from patients diagnosed and treated years ago , it is most likely that these figures might have improved by now with more victims living longer after diagnosis.

-Finally it is important to also note that these figures are just a guide and they do not determine your own outcome of the disease. So many other individual factors come to play to determine your own actual outcome, you should discuss with your oncologist to know how best these figures apply to you.

Bello Kamorudeen.
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