My platelets were too low at my checkup last week, so Chemo was moved from Monday to Wednesday (today). My white blood counts were super high last week so my doctor instructed me to stop taking the Neupogen shots. I asked about continuing to take the shots (just in case) because I didn't want my White Blood Counts to go back down and hold us up in the future.
It turned out today that my platelets were okay. They rose pretty quickly over the weekend and are back up to where my doctor would allow chemo. (Thank you to everyone who has been praying for that- it worked!) But unfortunately my WBCs were once again the culprit - too low for chemo. [sad face] Now the plan is to do two days of shots and try again Friday. I should be good by Friday. I just hate putting almost two weeks between treatments. One week of chemo killing the cancer, one week of the cancer growing.
At this rate, I will be super lucky if I'm able to finish all my treatments by Christmas. "All I want for Christmas is to com-plete chemo, to com-plete chemo, to com-plete chemo..." Please pray for both WBCs and platelets to rise quickly between chemo treatments to have as little time as possible between infusions. I need chemo (on schedule!) to wipe out all the cancer cells!
It turned out today that my platelets were okay. They rose pretty quickly over the weekend and are back up to where my doctor would allow chemo. (Thank you to everyone who has been praying for that- it worked!) But unfortunately my WBCs were once again the culprit - too low for chemo. [sad face] Now the plan is to do two days of shots and try again Friday. I should be good by Friday. I just hate putting almost two weeks between treatments. One week of chemo killing the cancer, one week of the cancer growing.
At this rate, I will be super lucky if I'm able to finish all my treatments by Christmas. "All I want for Christmas is to com-plete chemo, to com-plete chemo, to com-plete chemo..." Please pray for both WBCs and platelets to rise quickly between chemo treatments to have as little time as possible between infusions. I need chemo (on schedule!) to wipe out all the cancer cells!
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