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A Small Business Blog Analysis

As you undoubtedly have read over and over again, maintaining a well thought-out blog can be a great business move. It helps you stay in touch with your customer base. Businesses that have never traditionally seen themselves as having anything to do with content development, today, routinely do find that they need a talent for this kind of thing. A blog that ends up badly isn't merely going to cost a business the goodwill that it would have had a chance to earn doing a good job; it is going to actually destroy whatever goodwill it already has. Let's do a simple blog analysis and see how all of this actually happens.

Let's start off on a positive note doing a little blog analysis on how a business may actually do it right. There's a small music equipment retailer. Like other music equipment retailers, this one makes a point of hiring from among local musicians so that its salespeople can actually understand what their musician customers really want. They began to do this so well that they gained quite a reputation for being the people to head to for any kind of musical problem. They recognized how good their salespeople were at being friendly and knowledgeable experts in the music business that they thought that they could take this further with a properly thought-out blog. The blog was an instant hit; it was written by the store's own salespeople who had a great deal of music experience. The store's salespeople-cum-bloggers were well-compensated for their contribution to the blog and the whole effort just helped build on the company's reputation as a great place for musicians. This then is what a blog is supposed to do. It is supposed to take something that the business does well and it's supposed to turn it into a well-recognized thing.

Just imagine how the above store would have done if it had made the following common mistakes found in many business blogs. Let's start with the kind of language that a blog actually use. Poor language skills are easy to find all over the Internet. If a business chooses to blog for everything the activity can do to burnish its reputation, using poor writing is exactly the wrong way to achieve that. Content may be king; but the king had better follow the rules. Getting ahead on the Internet doesn't have to be as hard as hiring an SEO company and spending big bucks. It can be as simple as just picking someone with a love for language to place in charge of the blog.

Businesses tend to forget that a blog is not a website. It is supposed to be about dialogue between the business and the client base. A business blog has to try to find ways to make posts that will inspire its readers to respond and participate in a debate. A business blog is also not supposed to be about finding a way to sneak in an advertisement for free all the time. Readers are quickly going to sense when a blog is just an extended advertising campaign. A business blog analysis should show a great deal of restraint by the business and using it's the voice for self-promotion.

And finally, too many business blogs end up looking like some GeoCities page from 1997. You need to consider adding video interviews, video tutorials, social media sharing and using blog analysis tools like Google Analytics that will show what posts do the best. Making full use of all the technology at your disposal is really important.
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