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Debbie's Fund

Although I don't mean to be so out of touch it was a shock to read that Debbie was back heading to Germany for another round of treatment.  What is even more worrying is the Gall Bladder. 

When the tumours were back in 07 I  was told it was probably the Gall Bladder and yes I did have some stones but when I awoke from the surgery I was having the same pains (a full out heart session).  I just hope and pray that it is gall stones for Debbie and not the meso in the heart sac.  Let's face it I had had scans and they couldn't detect it or they didn't see it (it isn't an easy area to read).

On a good note I am pleased that she has raised enough money for the treatment and hopefully the fund will continue to grow to help towards others who run a little short.  No one knows what treatment does actually work but having hope is a key factor to keeping going. 

I would ask anyone though, who is going to Germany for treatment to ask their oncologist here to give them a kidney check to ensure they can cope with the toxicity of chemo.  We take everything for granted that who we see will do what is necessary but it isn't always the case.

Looking forward to Saturday and Helen and Barry are calling in on their way home after Take That at Sunderland.  Will be lovely to catch up again and also pick their memories about what Claire Cameron had to say about the Journey of Life. 

I haven't heard back from Andy Hughes yet regarding all the research I gave him but I guess there is no hurry as yet.  At least if I think that maybe my friend won't want to grow.

The clock is ticking so had better get a move on and go to work.

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