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Christian Counseling

Psychological counselors come from a broad range of perspectives. Many of them come from a very scientific background. They try to analytically understand the patient's problems based on psychodynamic theory, behaviorism or some other intellectual model of how the mind works. Although a lot of these counselors can provide very good therapy, for many Christians it makes more sense to get the services of a counselor from their own faith. Christian counselors similar scientific training with a spiritual approach that uses their own religious faith and the faith of their clients to create positive change.

When I first discovered Christian counseling, I was going through a very rough period in my life. I was looking for a marriage counselor as a last resort. My marriage was on the rocks and it seemed like my wife and I could not talk to each other or see eye to eye. I had been going to church regularly since I was very little, but I hadn't considered Christian counseling. It just so happens, however, that a friend in my church had had some very good experiences with the local Christian counselor. I got the counselor's contact information, talked to my wife and, by the next day, had booked my first appointment for Christian marriage counseling.

I was a little bit nervous about my first appointment, because I expected religion to be such a big part of it. I was very surprised when this was not the case. The counselor did ask us about our backgrounds,1 and we talked a little bit about beliefs, but overall the appointment had a lot more to do with our lack of communication than our religious beliefs.

The counselor spent a lot of time just letting us talk and listening. We discussed why we were together, how we had fallen in love, what problems each of us saw in the marriage and what goals we would like to achieve with Christian counseling. For the first couple appointments, the two of us did almost all the talking. The counselor listened patiently, helped us to each understand what the other was saying, and in general just acted as a mediator.

The Christian aspect of our Christian counseling really only became apparent in the third appointment. The counselor had a lot of advice for us, and he used the Bible partly as a guide and partly as a way to illustrate what he meant. We talked about using our shared faith to deepen our relationship and looking to the Bible for answers about how married people are supposed to act towards each other. The tips that he had for us were very practical, but the fact that he could tie them to the Bible made it a lot easier to understand. He even gave us a list of things we should try with reference passages from scripture to guide us and provide us with inspiration. It has only been a couple months, but so far things are going great. As far as I can tell, our Christian counseling has been a success.
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