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Time flies by with mesothelioma

It was wonderful to read how far Steve and Linda have come since the days of his first diagnosis and the chemo treatment that left them unsure of how things would go or if they had a future.  Here we are three years later and both have realised dreams they probably wouldn't have achieved as yet.

For me I look back and a lot of things haven't changed over the last 8 years, although going through tough surgery twice, losing my gall bladder in between, chemo, radiotherapy and cryo I have pretty much kept the same routine and worked.

I hope more of you have done the wonderful things that Steve and Linda have done rather than follow my path.  What memories have I left for Gary.  Our first year we travelled so much that we both have a hatred of airports.  With our last break in Dubai and the worry they were going to see my morphine and lock me up for the night while waiting confirmation of my approval for carrying the stuff I doubt I will ever get back to visit our friends over there.

We were expecting the Olympic torch to be lit as it passed from Middridge to Newton Aycliffe a mere 1 mile yet the torch was back on board the bus as it passed my mam's house.  We did however wave at the police and the torch bearers as they passed us in their entourage.  It marked the day that will probably never happen again in Gary's life time let alone mine.

Once I download the camera I will put our one and only photo of it on.  I do think we may have been recorded by the BBC, we noted they had a live camera running even through the empty countryside, so if you saw 2 men and a woman stood in a drive way between Middridge and Newton Aycliffe that was me and yes I did have my big blue coat on, we hadn't been long from walking the dogs and it was windy and cold over the fields! 

I have been a little lazy this week on other things because I have started another project and everything else seems to go on the back burners until I nearly finish it.

Keep well everyone, I know my friends on Chemo probably don't feel that good but keep with it, if in doubt remember Steve with3 years, Chris with 4 and so many others out there with good results.
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