So understand that when youre employing a free people search to track someone down, someone else might be doing the same to you. How do you feel about that? If youre flattered, think again. Your loved ones and long-lost acquaintances arent the only ones who can find you if your information is posted out there. So can complete strangers who might not have the best of intentions. There is a price to pay for allowing yourself to be so easily tracked. Youll always be found, but found by friends as well as foes. Similarly, if youre hard to find, friends and foes alike will leave you alone.
Perhaps the solution is to find a balance. You can try to limit the extent to which information about you is released to the public. Keep your address and phone number private, but make it possible for people to find you on Facebook. This can lower the risk of being taken advantage of if you still want people youve lost touch with to be able to find you. Or maybe youd rather let those lost connections. If they really mattered or it was meant to be, theyd still be part of your life, right? Its a matter of personal opinion. Some people believe that Facebook as a free people search is problematic because it doesnt allow you to move on and let go of the past, which is an important part of living a healthy life. On the other hand, it is a little exciting to get a friend request from someone you havent heard of in a long time.
Relationships with other people are such a curious, tenuous thing. People come and go in our lives in so many different ways. They might drift away, or leave because of a falling out, or disappear because of other unforeseen circumstances. Some of them we long for and wish we could find again, and others we need to forget. Maybe the best course of actions is to simply value the people in our lives that are important to us now, and things will naturally take course from there.
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