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Choosing Internet Connections

Most people first got online with dial up Internet connections. Those that were not around when the first internet 'boom' occurred in the early 90s may not have ever used dial up though. The Internet was around for a long time before that, but it picked up in popularity and accessibility during that time. If you wanted to get online then, you did it through your phone line and the speed was abysmal at best. That has all changed now. You can decide what connection you need based on how often you get online, what you do when you get on, and what you want to spend each month.

Your first choice for Internet connections is still dial up. Fewer and fewer people use this today because it is unreliable and very slow. However, those that get online only rarely and those that do not want to spend a lot of money can find dial up Internet connections to be all that they need. This goes right into your phone line, but will either disconnect when you get a landline call, or will stop any incoming calls. You can get around this with a second phone line just for your Internet, but that will cost you more each month. This is a great choice for the occasional user with a tight budget that does not do much online.

DSL is another of the available Internet connections. This also goes through the phone lines but is faster than traditional dial up and will not interrupt or block any incoming or outgoing landline calls. You can usually get this from your landline phone company and it can be billed with your phone bill. It does cost more than dial up, but it works a lot faster, is more convenient, and is often a great choice for someone who gets online more often but does not want to pay for something super fast. It is also for those that do not have cable. Many users without special needs find DSL to be adequate, at least for a while.

If you want a lot of speed, you probably spend a lot of time online or you work through the Internet. If this is the case, you should think about getting cable for your Internet connections. This is always on and is extremely fast. It comes into your home through your cable connection so you don't have to worry about the phone company any longer if you have dropped them otherwise. Cable is extremely reliable and does well with heavy downloads, but will go out most of the time when your cable is out. If you have a reliable cable connection, this is a great option. The price is higher, but most who have it find it to be well worth it.

There are other Internet connections that you can use, but most are there for business needs. These are extremely fast and reliable, but also cost a whole lot more. If you are getting Internet in your home, one of the above three options should work out well for you. You can go by what you can afford, or you can go by what you need to work from home. Whatever the case, the Internet is more integral to our lives than every before, so having a connection of any type is very advantageous to most households.
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