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How to Work from Home and put the Hype of

How to Work from Home and put the Hype of Skype to Work for You

Does it occur to you that as easy as it has become to communicate, to keep in touch and to deal with anything from a distance with Skype, with cell phones and all the of communications tools that we live every minute of our lives with, that businesses don't really seem to take advantage of these? Most people still get in their cars and commute all the way to work for businesses that somehow don't seem comfortable with letting employees work remotely from home. It isn't that people aren't aware of all the possibilities there are in telecommuting. It's just that presenting the idea of how to work from home to your boss can be somewhat tricky. If you face a similar situation, here is how to bring your boss around to the idea.

Corporate bosses, believe it or not are people who constantly worry to make sure that they aren't being left behind in any way. This is a weakness that you could take advantage of; a good way to introduce the pleasures of telecommuting to your boss could be to tell him how all the best companies are doing it. Intel, Deloitte, Cisco, American Fidelity insurance Co. - all these are corporate majors that easily let their employees save time, enjoy better morale and work better by staying put at home. Nine out of ten people at Deloitte for instance, telecommute. And not only is Deloitte at the top of the heap in any ranking of top achieving American companies, it is also routinely voted one of the best places to work. A great way to persuade your boss to join the bandwagon would be to show him that allowing flex-time could be a great way to be seen as a leading the trend.

Getting your boss to see how, to work from home, could be a great way to make some savings for the company, could be a good start too. Companies that choose to allow flex time for their employees happen to save a lot of money. For instance, according to Forbes magazine, the telecommunications company BT has managed to save half a billion dollars so far in the last 25 years, granting some of its employees a choice in flex-time. And not only that, they have reported efficiency improvements of 15%. You can tell your boss that not only will a move to flex-time allow the company to reap more profits, save more money and become more efficient, but that you personally, will consider it a perk and sacrifice your next raise if allowed to work from home. If you are thinking that you would be crazy to give up a raise, just think of how much money you will save working from home to make up for it. There is all the time you spend on the commute, there is expensive gas and insurance that you pay for driving, you have to eat lunches out, you pay for child care because there is no one to take care of your child after school and of course, there are your dry cleaning bills.

And finally, make sure you wave that magic buzzword before your boss - productivity. At home, you'll have no work colleagues to distract you with office gossip. Of course your boss will be worried you won't be as productive, what with your TV, your kids and your dog vying for your attention. Show your boss research by the Telework Coalition that the average responsible worker is 20% more productive working from home. And by the way, you need to show yourself too how, to work from home, is not to be taken as an excuse to have a great time and forget about work. It's about keeping yourself on a short leash.
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