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Kids Gardening

If you want to get your kids outdoors more often, you have to find a way to keep them engaged in something that they are going to love. There are a ton of options out there, and because you know your kids best, what you want to do will be up to your child's personality and what they already seem interested in doing. Your teens may not want to be outside digging in the dirt (though you never know teens can surprise you), but your younger children may love the challenge of having their own kids gardening plot. Not only can they grow things, they can play in the dirt while doing it.

You can assume that kids gardening has to be simple, but in reality, they can learn a lot in a short amount of time and can grow many of the same things that everyone else has in a garden. You can either give them a plot in your own garden that they can care for on their own, but with your guidance, or you can give them their own spot somewhere away from your garden. You can even make raised plots for kids gardening so that they have their very own garden that they know is their own personal responsibility. You'll be surprised how happy this can make them.

Start out like you would with any garden. Teach them about the best dirt to grow plants and how they can turn the dirt they have into a great spot for kids gardening. They may not be able to run a tiller or dig out big rocks, but they can learn to pick up small rocks and other debris, and then you can dig up the dirt for them. If you want to add top soil, they can help you do this too. They will love playing in the dirt with you for kids gardening, and they will also learn to love being outside, which use to come naturally to kids.

The next step in teaching them about kids gardening is to allow them to choose the plants that they want to raise. Give them the choice, but only allow a few different ones. Once they have made the choice, you can then take them to the library or you can go online to learn about the plants, how to care for them, and even how long they take to grow. This will mean they can take the lead in deciding what to do with the plants so that they grow, thrive, and the produce as they should. Remember, they may lose a plant or two, but it is all a learning process. Failure often leads to future success.

The best part about kids gardening is the look on their face when they pick the first ripe vegetables from their own garden. Perhaps they planted pumpkins and the first ones are orange and ready to go. Perhaps they wanted to grow green beans and the first ones are ready to be plucked and eaten. They will be proud when you serve what they have grown on their on in kids gardening for dinner for the first time. You will teach them something, show them what they can accomplish, and possibly given them a lifelong love of the outdoors. success.
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