Diet Tips

Looking For Low Carb Pasta

Low carb diets work well for many people when other types of low fat diets have not worked. Some think that low carb is unhealthy, but those that do these plans the right way often end up shedding pounds, feeling great, and coming away from a physical with a doctor with great results. If you want to try low carb, you may be jazzed that you can have meat and even fats, but you may also worry about having to give up things like pasta. Fear not, for there are now low carb pasta options out there that will work great in a low carb eating plan.

Eating plans like Atkins do not let you have any type of grain until you are far though the losing weight portion of the program. However, that does not mean that you will never have breads and pastas again. It just means that you have to wait for them and then decide how your body is reacting to them when you add them back to your diet. When you get to the latter phase of ongoing weight loss on Atkins, you can indeed try some whole grains, which would include low carb pasta made with whole grains. Not everyone likes these, but they are a healthy alternative most learn to love after having them for a while.

Low carb pasta of this type is a bit hard to get use to. If you are use to eating regular pasta and then you suddenly switch to low carb, you are not going to like the change. The same can be said for going from white bread to whole grain bread. Because you go for a few months (at least) on Atkins before you can eat breads and pastas again, adding a whole grain version is going to be more welcome. You are not going to have such a hard time adjusting to them, and you may end up preferring them, which is the whole point.

You can also find a low carb pasta called Dreamfield. Some people do not have any luck finding this in some stores, but you can if you look around. I could not find any in Wal-Mart or Target grocery at one point, but I did find it in my local grocery store. It is becoming more popular because more and more people are eating it and loving how it tastes. Dreamfield makes quite a few different pastas and they taste exactly like white pasta, but there are only five carbs a serving as compared to 30 or more per serving in other pastas. If you miss white pasta and can not get use to the whole grain, this is the perfect alternative for you.

Just remember not to overdo it with the low carb pasta while on your eating plan. Some people find that it does not bother them, and some do not handle them well as it stalls out their diet or even makes them put more weight back on. See how you do with them a few times a week before you decide if they are something you can keep in your diet or not. Most people are fine as long as they don't eat too much and have it occasionally rather than everyday. That is all that you need in most eating plans anyway.
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