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Picking the Right Competition for your Marathon Run

Committing to doing well on a marathon run is becoming unbelievably popular. To thousands of people across the country, the decision to build themselves up to a level that they could stand a reasonable chance at a marathon happens to be a popular new year resolution. Indeed, marathon organizers have seen that there have been about 20% more marathon finishers last year than the five years before. Any organization putting together a marathon run these days usually finds its spots filled up in a matter of hours - not weeks as is usually the case with these things. Why is the marathon so popular all of a sudden? To begin with, there have been lots of celebrity marathon participants lately who have been inspiring ordinary people like never before. And then, what with the way the job market is, people are looking to long distance running as a way to relieve some of the stress.

One mistake that novice marathon enthusiasts make is that they never look beyond the big names in marathon runs. That isn't really fair. There is a lot to be found in competitions beyond the New York City Marathon and the Boston Marathon. The smaller races can actually feel better. You will not be one among thousands, and they take better care of you. At some races, the organizers rope in people to cheer for you personally, they give you all kinds of goodies to eat along the way, and you even get free custom clothing. Depending on who it is that organizes the race, you can even expect a nice little gift in the end too.

There are so many marathon competitions out there now that each one of them will often try to differentiate themselves from the rest. Some of them for instance offer child care and entertainment. If you go to the Disney Marathon for instance, your children will be well taken care of with all kinds of cartoon characters entertaining them. And then there is the excitement that surrounds the smaller marathons that could really push you to try harder. Take the Rock 'n Roll marathon that is organized in a dozen or more cities across the country each year. Each mile that you cross, you'll find a rock concert there with lots of people having a good time. If you want, you can even pick a marathon run that is not stretched out over one long path. That kind of marathon makes it difficult for your family to cheer you. They'll usually have to wear themselves out driving from point to poin. Pick one that is in the shape of a loop, and your friends and family should have more reason to cheer.

The small marathon competitions, even if they make a big deal of their star participants, actually need the amateur runners. Each amateur runner pays something like $100 to register. It is this money that they use to pay for all the entertainment along the way and for the winners' purses.
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