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Lumpy debate

This lump is causing some trials and tribulations.  I saw my onco who thinks it is seeding, I went back to the docs on Thursday and we didn't remove it.  The local surgeon had a feel as I was explaining that it could be meso.  The lump has attached itself to the muscle as well as the rib - he thinks, therefore removing it would need to be under a general.  My GP was a little disappointed because he is in the same vein of thought as I am, remove any cancer if at all possible but neither of us really had thought of  any further consequences last Friday. 

I am now waiting for a radiologist to see me and see what he thinks.  If we had a copy of the CT Scan that may have helped but things have changed in that area up here too.  My Doc can't request it, neither can my lung nurse so I had to fill in the forms and wait to see if they post it out. 

I want to thank Cliff for reminding me that we are all human and after what he has gone through I am humbled, there are a lot of people out there fighting this everyday and we all react differently to circumstances - thats what makes the human race unique, so thanks Amanda for reminding me of that too. 

On a good note I got in touch with a lady who went through surgery with me and she is doing great, no return, no pain and out living her life to the full.  The one thing that tells me over and over again is that this meso operates differently with every person it affects.  It is always good to hear the good stories because it does drive us on.

If my lump stays around I will have to find a name for it, maybe my friends brat!  On that cheery note better start thinking about going to work.
Thanks for the support guys, I really do appreciate it.
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