Diet Tips

Term Paper Help

As a professional tutor, I am frequently called upon to give term paper help. I help students in grades nine through 12 and college kids write semester term papers, book reviews, essays, and research papers of all types. So when I was asked by a friend to help put together a website about how to write a term paper, I thought it would be an easy project that was right up my alley. I never could have guessed how hard it would be.

You see, my approach to term paper help has always been very personal and very idiosyncratic. I work with each student one-on-one to determine what he needs. For some kids, it's just about starting. I help them to decide on some questions to ask about the topic, organize a little bit of information and figure out what they think about it. For other people, it's a matter of proper grammar and punctuation. They know how to put together an argument and in some cases are even good writers, but they don't really know how to proofread their papers. To those students, I give little guidance until the end, when I help them by proofreading their papers.

For this term paper help project, I had to come up with a completely different approach. Rather than deciding on the needs of a particular students, I needed to systematize my knowledge of term papers. When I thought about it, I realized that I had only ever written a couple of term papers myself; I couldn't really explain what a good term paper was, because I had so little first-hand information.

I decided to work on a research paper in my spare time. I was doing one about the big sphinx in Egypt. Different Egyptologists debate who built it, when they built it, and why they built it. I wanted to compare the different theories. It was really interesting to write a research paper myself, because it gave me the chance to check out my own advice. Whenever I would get stuck, I would think about the sort of term paper help I would give to students in the same position. More often than not, my advice was actually pretty sound, but sometimes I would find a big gap in my approach and come up with a new strategy.

Once I was finished with that paper, I had a much better understanding of how to organize this term paper help site. With my friend, I developed a system of steps and stages, tasks that need to be accomplished for each paper. I'm not sure if it is as useful as individualized help, but then again it does give the reader something that I haven't been able to provide before: a system.
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