Diet Tips

News from America

Debbie and I received a wonderful email from Linda in the States to let us know her sister has done well since having surgery and is now ready to undergo radiotherapy.  None of this would have happened if she hadn't found Debbie's site and email address and Debbie then put her in touch with me.  This is why Meso circles work, we are all there to help.  We have some choices these days, but as we all know from experience they aren't always broadcasted by the doctors who are treating us.

On another bright note I found out on Friday that my Heart is actually better than it was earlier this year but on the otherside of the coin I still haven't any answers to what is going on in my chest area!

As for Christmas, apart from getting most of the cards done (am sure I missed the deadline for abroad) and have picked up a few things I am well behind.  Hopefully will get some time on Wednesday to do a little shopping!  The thought of going out into the cold is what is stopping me .. I am such a wimp!

We did get the trees up on Sunday and I thought Bear would be in among them pulling at the decorations.  The first time he went to sniff one Lexi have the upper lip so he has stayed away.  Our Tyke use to get so excited when the tree went up and would start being on guard over it, she knew that presents were on the way and she loved opening all of her own.  In her later years she started opening ours so we had to keep them all locked away until Christmas morning.  She was amazing to watch as she tore through the wrapping paper and peeled it back to pull out what was inside.  In Tyke's day Lexi didn't really bother but now she has gone I think Lexi will become like her.

Thanks for the comment about stairs and newfie's, but the steps are outside (3) in the garden, which bear always seems to want to trip up on. 

Must get started on Christmas

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