Some of us are very particular about our coffee, so much so that a cup from a pot that's been sitting on the coffee maker's warming tray for half an hour is undrinkable. Why? It tastes old and flat and bitter. Technically, the reason it no longer tastes good is because all of the coffee's essential oils have evaporated, right out of the spout, lost both through the heat and contact with the oxygen in the empty portion of the pot. The classic example of this effect? On a long driving trip, you stop in at an all night gas station or mini mart to pick up a cup of coffee. As you pour it into the cup, you detect an odor akin to mud. This is certainly a pot that's been sitting for hours before you happened along!
If you're as fussy as me, who disdains the cup that was made 20 minutes ago, a thermal vacuum carafe can be the perfect solution. While you may enjoy 2 or 3 cups of coffee in the course of a morning, an 8 or 10 cup coffeemaker may be too much. You end up throwing half of it away. On the other hand, you don't have the time or inclination to be using a 1 or 2 cup coffeemaker if you want another cup, you've got to clean the pot and basket, use another filter, etcetera etcetera. Too much trouble.
With a thermal vacuum carafe of good quality, you can have absolutely fresh coffee all morning long. Just as some smart restaurateurs and hotel owners know, this handy coffee pot makes your coffee refills available just when you want them. This type of carafe assures that the coffee not only stays hot, but doesn't acquire that flat, stale flavor as coffee does when sitting on a warming pad. Those essential oils, which provide the rich flavor and aroma you're looking for, stay put in the vacuum created. The thermal component keeps it hot.
When you shop for a thermal vacuum carafe, remember, quality counts! A cheap unit won't create a good vacuum and it won't retain the temperature. These carafes are available as separate units at some department stores, but you'll probably do better buying from a restaurant or hotel supply house. These units are intended for commercial use and generally last much longer than home units.
You can also buy coffee makers with the thermal vacuum carafe 'built into' the brewer, but these coffee makers can be quite pricey and not as efficient in accomplishing your purpose. If you're into spending the money, be sure to read consumer reviews. From what I've read, only the most expensive close to and above $250 really does the job, maintaining that 205-207 degree desired temperature and sustaining it for four hours.
With a bit of searching the hotel and restaurant supply houses, you should be able to get a top quality thermal vacuum carafe for under $40. You fill the carafe with boiling water, make your coffee in your regular coffeemaker, empty the preheated carafe and pour in the Joe. Coffee perfection all morning long!
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