Most of us use the standard automatic coffee maker to brew all of our coffee. However, you may have heard of the French press, a manual coffee brewing system, hailed by coffee gourmet folks to be the only way to make a proper cup of coffee. A coffee press? What's that? How do you use a coffee press? Does it really make such a superior cup to make the effort worthwhile? Here we answer these questions and show you how to use a coffee press. Perhaps you'll become a convert.
The traditional French coffee press is used in cafes and bistros throughout France. The coffee press comes in several sizes, is made of Pyrex, with a pouring spout and has two stainless steel bands fixed to the outside of the tall glass cylinder at top and bottom, from which a large handle protrudes. The press consists of a stainless steel stem, with a round fine screen, surrounded by coiled wire around the edges which fits tightly against the edges of the pot. The top of the press, at the other end of the pressing stem, holds the lid, made of two pieces of heat-resistant plastic. The outer plastic rim serves as a guide to keep the press screen in a perfectly straight line going down the cylinder when you use a coffee press.
So, how do you use a coffee press? Your water must be boiled separately. For a four cup pot, just three heaping tablespoons makes a rich pot of robust coffee. Spoon the coffee in to the French Press. The water should be at a boil when you pour it into the pot. Take care that the water is poured slowly and evenly over the coffee grounds, beginning at the edge of the pot and working your way to the center. Be sure that all of the coffee grounds are submerged, with no floating clumps of grounds. Pour the water to within 2 inches of the spout. Allow the pot to sit, without stirring, for about two minutes. This allows the full flavor of the coffee to be extracted from the water before you use a coffee press to finish the extraction.
Here's where you need to be careful. Seat the screen of the press at the top of the pot and press down gently, with a firm hold on the pot's handle, in an easy, circular motion, until the screen is submerged. If you're too heavy-handed, the pot may tip over and make quite a mess. (This process becomes second nature after just the first few times you use a coffee press.) When the screen is submerged below the brew by just a couple of inches, seat the outer band of the lid on top of the pot. This ensures that the screen goes down to the bottom in a straight line, preventing coffee grounds escaping into the brew from the sides of the screen. Depending on the fineness of your grind, it may take some strength to push the press to the bottom. When you're done, the inner portion of the lid will fit perfectly inside the outer band of the lid. You're ready to pour out a delightful cup of Joe.
When you use a coffee press, you may want to take advantage of one last tip. For an absolutely clear brew, place a coffee filter beneath the screen before you start to press. This guarantees that no grounds escape into the coffee, no matter how fine a grind you're using.
As for taste, a French press produces the best cup of coffee you've ever tasted!
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