Diet Tips

Add Your URL

My site is the BOMB! It's Awesome - really! I spent weeks getting it right, I've made sure that all the connections and links are there, the site map is done, I've got my keywords in the code, my Robots Follow tag, and I'm ready to do business. So where are all the people?

These are all good things to have ready, no doubt on that, but your still not going to see much traffic until you can add your YRL to the index's that the search engines look through. I can hear a lot of Duh's happening right now, as some people do tend to forget that the basic's still apply.

When you looked into all this, setting up your site or blog, you thought that you'd get hits just from having great content, awesome pricing and.... well, yes. These will all have a bearing on the total amount of hits you het, and no-one says not to have them, but bluntly put, until people can see your site, it's pointless. Too many times companies have "industry leading" websites that get little or no traffic - whats the point in that?? None, whatsoever. Until you add your url to the indices for serch engines, you wont start to receive your organic search results.

There are a couple of ways that you can do this. You can do it yourself, if you don't mind spending the time on it. Every search engine and directory has a methodology for you to add your URL to their listings, it's simply a time consuming thing to go through them one by one and submit your ad for them to index, as they'll all probably ask for variations on a theme regarding information. You can use a free listing service - drawbacks here are that usually you'll see the "get listed on YYY number of engines" well sure, but do I really think my site selling Whatever is going to have appeal for enough people in Zaire or New Zealand to warrant inclusion in search engines and directories over there? I think not. Next to this is the mainstay of indexing, paid services. The companies that run these will always vaunt how quickly they can have your site indexed, which in many cases is true - simply don't go for those that promise #1 placement and stuff like that. Seriously, with all the sites out there vying for #1 on Google or Yahoo, you really think that all those companies can REALLY promise that kind of site placement? Sure, with sponsored ads - not through organic placement.

So the choices are yours - do it yourself, use free listings or a paid service.
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