Diet Tips

Email Follow Up

There are very few companies right now that don't have a website. Frankly, it's hard to find a person right now without a website, never mind a company, yet with all this information passing in the ether there are still plenty of us that really don't understand how these things work, or should work. More or less everyone has an email address of some sort or another, be it work or using your boyfriends or from your own site, we can all get in touch through it. Question is, though, just how effective is it?

Email as a tool is great for everyone, its practically free (depending on where you are in the world) and it does indeed draw attention to itself, and yet so many sales organizations or companies complain that it's not as effective as they thought it would be. A simple solution to this is to ensure that contact is maintained. It really is not enough to simply receive the email, go "Great" and ignore it. If I'm looking for more info on the Wotzit your shilling, then I want more info. You do this with an email follow up.

These can be things as simple as a "Thank You, we'll be in touch" to a detailed email describing exactly the information that you wanted to know about. Those emails you receive from Comcast or whoever when you've paid your bill? A follow up. The email you receive when you put in a Request for service online with any company worth their salt, that's a follow up, folks.

Why is it important to have a follow up? If your me, you like to know that your info has being received, or that your problem has (at the very least) been received. This is the basis of follow up emails. If your a small project, then it may be possible for you to issue these on a one time basis, that is, to address each individual email as it comes in, and reply accordingly. More so now companies use automatic email follow up, simply to let people know that Yes, we got your enquiry/problem/complaint etc.. It's an incredibly cost effective way of putting to the clients that you care, and that you will attend to it.

As a sales tool it second to none, because the company that asks me 2 months after buying anything, Is all ok with you? - that's the company I'll recommend to others, and buy from again.
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