There is a wide variety of burglar alarms and routine security measures available in this day and age. You have the power to take your pick from superior door bolts, to Plexiglas window panes, to on-call alarm companies, who monitor your home 24/7. Companies like ADT and Brinks home security are making a fortune now days off of these monitoring systems. And for a small monthly fee, you too can be on their watch list. However, you may not be down with the continuous fee. This is also understandable. If this is the case, then you may want to look into one-time security measures. You know, things you can purchase and keep forever. Some common suggestions by security professionals are heavy door bolts with key entry only, simple window alarms that cost hardly anything, surveillance cameras with a monitor in order to keep an eye on your exterior lot, and an automatic garage door that requires a code to access. This way you'll have all entrances to your home covered at all times.
In addition to basic security measures and fancy burglar alarms, you should always have an escape route planned. This is something you do with your entire household so that everyone knows. If someone should penetrate the home, where does everyone go or exit? Make a plan so that your family can remain safe in dangerous situations like home invasions or even house fires.
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