Diet Tips

So you need to lose weight: how to make a

So you need to lose weight: how to make a realistic plan that works

The warm days of summer are upon us, which means a change of wardrobe. Summer activities require abbreviated costumes, with short sleeved dresses and tees, shorts and (trumpet roll), the bathing suit. Heavy winter coats, baggy slacks and over-sized sweaters can hide so many flaws. In summer, you're exposed to the world.

So many of us, when confronted with the need to lose weight, go into panic mode. You may decide to just stop eating for a few weeks (very bad for your health and looks) or implement a diet that's impossible to follow through to your goal. That's why so many dieters fail. If you need to lose weight, a stepped program is most successful. Punishing yourself with unappetizing meals, or trying to subsist on salad just doesn't work. Let's say you want to lose 20 pounds. We'll work with that amount as an example and show you how to get there.

First, go shopping! Seriously. Try on a bathing suit you like in a size that fits you now. Buy the next smaller size. This itty-bitty bathing suit serves as inspiration and motivation.

Decide on what form of exercise you enjoy and will stick with all the way through your diet and beyond. Schedule specific periods of exercise, just like any other regular appointment. Get up a half hour earlier than usual and use that period to exercise. Brew a pot of Joe and take your shower. After work, try to fit in another half hour before dinner. You'll discover this routine will give you increased energy and a sense of well being that spurs you on to continue your program.

Do not weigh yourself every day. When you need to lose weight, the last thing you need is to discourage yourself with a daily weigh-in. Even the strictest dieter is subject to their weight going up and down from one day to another, for no apparent reason. Weigh on the first day of your diet, make a note of your weight and then fuggedaboutit for a week. Most people like to weigh in the morning, before breakfast. That's cool, but any time will do. Just try to weigh at the same time of day each week.

Now for the diet program. You really don't need to 'subscribe' to an expensive diet regime you know, where you pick up weekly meals, all portioned out in little boxes. When you need to lose weight, what you eat is really common sense. Foods to avoid? Fried foods, fatty meats and dishes, gravies, sugary treats and salt laden foods. Beyond that, the world of food is your plum.

Pascal, a 19th century scientist, did an interesting experiment with respect to children's eating habits. The children were pretty much given their choice of foods to eat. Naturally, at first they gravitated towards the sweets. Over time, their choices became more healthy and balanced. It was also observed that the kids tended to snack, rather than eating the 3 squares. At the conclusion of the experiment, all of the children were eating a balanced diet of their own choosing! They were not eating the same foods, but each child chose a mix which added up to good nutrition.

The point is, when you need to lose weight, it's usually because you've been eating the wrong foods. It's a matter of the old guilt and comfort response. If you listen to your body, you'll start to eat right and lose weight.

Oh, yes. Drink lots of water. If you need to lose weight, this is a plan that works! You'll look great in your new, smaller bathing suit.
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