Diet Tips

Upgrading your hard drive Xbox

Everyone remembers a few years ago when the Xbox 360 came out that there were integration difficulties with the hard drive Xbox and the machine itself. This has only been exacerbate over the years with the addition of newer, larger hard drives for the Xbox 360. Initial releases were just 20 gigs; now they go up to 300 gigs and beyond.

It's important that the first thing you do is check your hard drive Xbox for compatitbility with your current gear. If you have a retail kit hard drive xbox, you'll want to check the serial number online for helpful hints and tips and information as to what you're getting into. The Xbox official site also has guides and detailed schematics to show you how to set your stuff up without running into the type of trouble taht could cause you to destroy your gaming system

If you're rigging a non-retail hard drive xbox to work with your console, you're obviously somewhat more on your own. Any non-Xbox approved hard drive xbox gear will invalidate your warranty, so you're taking your investment into your own hands. Make sure you're aware of that, and taht you read your warranty cover to cover befoer you attempt to make any modifications.

Once you've determined that you want to upgrade your hard drive xbox, check some forums online for guides and testimonials. There are literally hundreds of websites dedicated to jerry-rigging the Xbox, and chances are you'll find one that meets your needs. is a good place to start. g4 is all about gaming, and anything to improve gaming (which a larger hard drive xbox will) probably has multiple threads dedicated to the subject.

Another wortwhile site is, which is less formal thatn g4tv but more adventuresome. If you really want to tweak your console, you can start there and probably find all the information you'd need and then some. As an independent site they don't really have any oversite or protocols so you'll need to be wary of taking a wrong step or five, but if you already have a pretty good idea of what you're doing, it might be the right site for you to enhance your needs.

The most important thing is to identify what those needs are first and foremost in the process. Are you rigging your hard drive xbox just because you heard about it from a friend and it sounded cool, or are you a real gamer who needs the added performance? If it's the first, you should really double and triple check your motives before you proceed. Sinking $500 or more on a gaming console only to ruin it irrevocably probably isn't the smartest move!
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