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Effective Back Acne Treatment Options

Most people who have problem skin experience the effects on their face in the form of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. I went through that phase myself when I was a teenager, but I now remain pretty clear most of the time. Unfortunately, I'm developing similar troubles on other parts of my body instead and am currently looking for an affordable back acne treatment that actually works.

I can tell you right now that most over-the-counter creams and lotions aren't meant to be used as a back acne treatment. Those products are for facial skin and simply aren't strong enough to deal with blemishes and cysts on other parts of the body. I found that out the hard way, by spending hundreds of dollars on skin care merchandise that yielded absolutely no results at all. I even went to a dermatologist to explore back acne treatment options, but she didn't think my case was severe enough to warrant any type of prescription. So basically, I'm starting at square one again.

Well, maybe not exactly square one, as I at least know what doesn't work as a back acne treatment! At any rate, I started checking around online at various skin care websites and message forums to see what other people have done when faced with a similar predicament. I found some very helpful advice and tips right off the bat, some of which I'm going to start incorporating into my daily regimen immediately.

For instance, I read that no back acne treatment stands a chance to work very well if you don't exfoliate the area regularly in order to slough away dead skin cells and help keep pores clear. So the first thing I'm going to do is invest in a nice, long-handled scrub brush to use on those hard-to-reach places when I shower. This should help keep the affected areas as clean as possible to prevent new pimples from emerging.

Next, I'm going to try to find some extra-strength back acne treatment lotions that feature benzoyl peroxide as the active ingredient. Benzoyl peroxide is clinically proven to be effective at drying out pimples and preventing further breakouts, but the truly potent stuff is simply too harsh for the face and aren't available in over-the-counter products. I'm likely going to have to return to my dermatologist for help. This time I'll be ready with a more persuasive argument!

And finally, I learned that it's very important not to irritate the area unnecessarily, meaning I should wear loose clothing that won't cling to or rub against my skin all day long. Furthermore, on hot days I should change my shirt when I get sweaty and also try to wipe the area down with non-alcohol toner when possible. While these tips may not qualify as back acne treatment in the strictest sense, I still think they're helpful, so I'm going to follow them.

While some people would say I'm "lucky" to get pimples in a place that can be easily covered up, I disagree. I hate all the embarrassment that comes during intimate situations or even from going to the beach. Hopefully my new regimen will give me what I'm looking for!
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