Many people have toe nail fungus and may not even be aware of it until it's advanced to a point where it's visually apparent. It's far more common than you may think. While some people are aware of their condition, they might ignore it, thinking it's not significant in the whole scheme of things. Read on and see why treatment for toe nail fungus is absolutely necessary. There are several remedies for treating toe nail fungus, from pharmaceuticals to OTCs to natural treatments.
Toe nail fungus can creep on slowly, going undetected for many years. Symptoms include a yellowing of the nails, as well as the nails becoming progressively thicker and difficult to trim. Instead of an obviously single sheet of nail tissue, you can see that the thickening produces multiple layers in each toe nail. In addition to an unattractive appearance, this condition poses some health problems.
Toe nail fungus is a yeast, which feeds on sugar. This fungus can cause you to crave more sugar in your diet, to feed these hungry little critters. This can lead to weight gain and also make you more vulnerable to developing type 2 diabetes! So it's not only a cosmetic problem, but a health danger. Treatment for toe nail fungus is essential if you want to avoid health problems down the road.
Tightly fitting shoes which don't 'breathe, and heavy socks promote sweaty feet, a welcome environment which helps the toe nail fungus flourish. If you participate in sports, such as jogging or tennis and thus have the sweaty foot syndrome, always dust the inside of your shoes and socks with powder and wash and dry your feet when you get home.
Vets who have served in tropical regions, such as Vietnam, often develop toe nail fungus, which they commonly refer to as 'jungle rot'. Most think it's just one of those things you have to live with and discount the treatment for toe nail fungus, to their eventual detriment.
If you suspect you have toe nail fungus, check for the symptoms visually. After many years of infection, the condition may be easily seen with a self-examination. Ask your doctor to confirm that this is the case.
A podiatrist or an M.D. can examine your toe nails and readily ascertain whether you have toe nail fungus. There are OTC and prescription medications for treatment of toe nail fungus, which can eradicate the fungus.
One highly effective natural treatment for toe nail fungus is Tea Tree oil, a natural fungicide, available at health food stores and some pharmacies. Tea tree oil comes in a small bottle, with a brush applicator inside. Brush all the surfaces of the toe nails, above and below, daily. For severe cases, use twice daily. Most people who use this natural treatment for toe nail fungus can expect full eradication within about four months.
Don't let this condition get too out of hand. If let go too long, the only remedy might be to remove the entire nail in a surgical process!
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