Diet Tips

The best treatment for pimples? A healthy diet, vitamin supplements

The best treatment for pimples? A healthy diet, vitamin supplements and exercise!

Oh, I know, I probably sound just like your Mom. However, that's because she knows what she's talking about! Although hard to imagine, she was once a teen too! Advances in nutritional research since her time have proven her right.

There are particular nutrients which are important players in the effective treatment for pimples, the nemesis of every teen and young adult. To be sure you're obtaining adequate levels of these nutrients, it's often wise to take supplements as well. Always consult your doctor before adding supplements to your diet.

Vitamin deficiencies can cause a variety of health conditions and pimples are no exception. Let's look at each of these nutrients to see how they can be a good treatment for pimples.

The main nutrients which form the backbone of any treatment for pimples regimen include vitamins A, the B-Complex, as well as C, E and K. In the mineral group, zinc, chromium and selenium are important players that promote healthy skin and a glowing, pimple-free complexion. All of these nutrients help prevent pimples and get rid of any that might pop up.

Vitamin A strengthens the cells of your skin, preventing pimples by suppressing the over-production of oils. Beta carotene is the form of vitamin A which is derived from plants. Dark green, leafy vegetables, such as lettuces, spinach and broccoli are excellent sources of beta carotene. Include plenty of the brightly colored fruits and veggies, as these generally contain substantial amounts of beta carotene. Examples include carrots, apricots, apples and red, orange and yellow bell peppers. If these foods aren't your favorites, consider this: a deficiency of vitamin A leads to rough, dry skin, which makes you vulnerable to bacteria a pimple waiting to happen!

The B-complex vitamins are essential front-line fighters in your treatment for pimples program. Stress plays a role in producing pimples and the B-complex vitamins, overall, act as powerful stress reducing agents.

Vitamin C is another vitamin for good skin health and resiliency. This antioxidant boosts immune system function and protects against bacteria and so, a good defensive treatment for pimples. Vitamin C also hastens the healing of pimples.

Vitamin E is also an antioxidant and helps protect your skin from UV rays. Like C, vitamin E helps pimples heal more quickly. You can even put a dab of liquid vitamin E oil on a pimple in the evening, with good results by morning!

Do you have dark circles under your eyes? This might indicate a deficiency of vitamin K. Get rid of those dark circles, as well as skin discolorations caused by old pimples and acne marks. Vitamin K is found in abundance in yogurt, so throw together a smoothie for breakfast, along with some fresh fruits. Vitamin K is an excellent addition to your diet for the treatment for pimples.

Like vitamin A, zinc helps regulate the production of oils in your skin. Most teens have an overabundance of oils, which leads to pimples. Zinc also helps your immune system stay healthy and helps prevent scars and promotes healing.

Chromium is a trace mineral, required in quite small amounts about 150 mcg. Per day but is a powerful anti-acne agent for the treatment of pimples and skin infections. To ensure adequate intake, it's best to take a supplement, in the form of chromium picolinate. Again, clear this supplement with your doctor. BTW, if you eat a lot of sugar, know that sugar depletes your available stores of chromium.
As it pertains to a treatment for pimples, selenium helps reduce inflammation such as you get with pimples. However, selenium also provides another benefit, in that it helps your skin retain its elasticity, which means you'll stay looking younger, longer.

Don't forget to exercise! With a good diet, supplements as needed and lots of fresh air, you'll see a great complexion staring back in the mirror every day!
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