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Try this inexpensive, all natural skin care program for youthful

Try this inexpensive, all natural skin care program for youthful skin

Women are all skin care enthusiasts. We certainly want to retain as much of our youthful looks for as long as possible. People are living longer today, which perhaps explains the recent interest in skin care by the men as well. If you've perused the cosmetic counters lately, you've noticed that the 'youth in a jar' products don't come cheaply. Here we've got an all natural skin care program that does not cost an arm and a leg and is every bit as effective in keeping your skin smooth, fresh and supple. Our program addresses people of all ages, from teens to Grandmas and Grandpas too!

Before we begin, let's go over the dietary factor of all natural skin care. Food is natural and if you plan meals that are nutritious and balanced, you've automatically got a leg up on nice skin. While all of the vitamins and minerals are important, vitamins A, the B-complex, C and E are of particular value to your complexion. The mineral zinc is found in almost every cell of your body and also contributes to healthy skin, as do the trace minerals copper and iron. Teens should avoid fatty foods you have oil to burn! Everyone should drink plenty of water, watch your sugar intake and eat all of those recommended servings in the fruit and veggie department. Try to make the bulk of your meat dishes of lean meats and eat fish at least twice a week.

Let's take a look at all natural skin care by age groups:

Teens and young adults

Every teen suffers from the age related plague of pimples and acne outbreaks. Pimples and acne are the result of overactive oil glands, a poor diet and / or a lack of proper washing, which allows bacteria to 'simmer' inside the pores of your skin. Oatmeal soap is excellent for teens and young adults. Wet the skin with warm water, suds up and rinse thoroughly. Follow up with an astringent to close the pores. You don't need an expensive commercial cosmetic astringent. A little bottle of Witch Hazel costs about $1 and lasts for months. To quickly heal pimples, squeeze a little vitamin E oil from a gel cap directly on the pimple. If you've got old acne scars, apply vitamin E oil daily. Over time, the scar will fade. A dab of zinc, applied in the evening to an acne spot, brings improvement by morning. If you feel you need a moisturizer, use a light coating of sweet almond oil (available at health food stores at little cost). This all natural skin care program for teens is better than 10 jars of commercial products and medications.

The middle years

Here, the good news is that you don't worry about pimples much anymore. The bad news is that you may begin to get some fine wrinkles. Wash your face in the method described above for teens, but use a glycerine soap instead. These soaps are hypoallergenic and non-drying. Follow up with the Witch Hazel. For moisturizing, choose sweet almond or avocado oil, depending on the condition of your skin. Avocado is a bit more oily, but is quickly absorbed if your skin is dry or scaly. Avocados are also packed with vitamin E. You might choose to use sweet almond during the day and avocado oil at night.

If you spend much time in the sun, you may start to develop deeper lines. Get in the habit of applying sunscreen every day! This will help prevent the more visible wrinkles. This constitutes the basic mid-life all natural skin care program.

The over-50 group

Follow the cleansing regimen for 'the middle years' folks. Here, we add a natural exfoliant to use just once or twice a week. You don't want to overdo this, as exfoliants remove layers of dead skin cells. Start with one each week. Go to two if you feel you need it. There are several brands of inexpensive natural exfoliants you can pick up at the drugstore. For moisturizing, again, it depends on the condition of your skin. Most people will benefit most from using avocado oil for day and jojoba oil at night.

For everyone's all natural skin care plan

Refrigerate your moisturizing oils, to prevent rancidity.

There are a number of blood cleansing herbs which will flush toxins and wastes from your body. Among other benefits, such as fewer illnesses and increased vigor, you'll also have good looking skin! Chaparrel, Burdock root, Echinacea root and kelp all contribute to a nice complexion. Ask an herbalist at your herb shop if they have a blood cleansing combination similar to this, or a recommendation on a mixture they carry.

So there you have a personalized all natural skin care plan that will have you looking younger for longer! Don't forget to exercise!
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