How was it possible these days to inflict this much damage on such a small budget? Actually, you haven't even heard of how small the budget is creating these ads. Advertising start ups like Spot Runner put out these polished easy-on-the-eye ads for no more than $500. The rest of the money is what you spend on airtime. If all you've ever done as a businessman is to read about advertising companies that make heavy weather of creating an kind of ad like it was a great creative process, these new instant advertisement companies really redefine advertising basics for you in a way that should warm your heart.
Companies like these bring advertising professionals together to form a huge library of tens of thousands of generic advertisements with all the graphics, impressive photography and music that you've come to expect in a modern ad. Any business that wishes to have an advertisement done merely needs to go to the website of one of these advertising agencies, search through all their ads and find something that pleases them. The advertising company will then produce an all-new ad that closely follows the sample ad chosen, for the business. But that's the easy part, obviously. How does an advertising company find airtime for a small business that really won't break its budget?
These companies keep carefully-updated books on all the advertising time available on every network and cable channel around the country. Many of these 30-second spots actually cost about $50; sometimes less. All of this information is available to any business that wishes to use the services of such an advertising company. They can have their $500 ad produced, pick a block of advertising time that suits them, and do all of this in a couple of minutes on Internet. Any business can be on TV in a matter of a couple of days.
As impressive as it all is, doesn't every lesson in advertising basicsimplore you to be unique? Using these stock advertisements, couldn't you turn off your customers? Done carefully, it really wouldn't. And anyway, this does allow you to get your business on TV for very little money. If it were more expensive, most small businesses would find themselves locked out.
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