Diet Tips

Eating Disorder Symptoms

You would think that eating disorder symptoms would be easy to spot, but in fact friends and relatives often miss the signs until it is too late. One of the biggest traits of people with eating disorders, after all, is secrecy; whether the disorder is compulsive overeating, binge eating, bulimia, anorexia or another disorder, the sufferer is usually quite adept at hiding her poor dietary habits. On some level, people suffering from eating disorders know that they have a problem and know that the people around them know that they have a problem. Therefore, they try to keep up appearances, often resorting to elaborate ruses to hide their diseases.

Therefore, knowing the common eating disorder symptoms, though helpful, is not sufficient. You should know to look out for someone maintaining an increasingly strict diet, vomiting after eating, going back and forth from abstaining from food to binge eating and hoarding food, but you should also know how to look for someone hiding these symptoms. A bulimic, for example, may quietly excuse herself after eating and go to the bathroom. Although you won't necessarily hear her vomiting, if she tends to go to the bathroom immediately after eating every time, it's a good sign she may have the disorder. Similarly, you may not see a binge eater binging or hording food, but if you notice leftovers mysteriously disappearing or rarely see him eat but notice him putting on weight, it is a good sign that binge eating may secretly occur.

There are also eating disorder symptoms that show in the attitude of the sufferer. If someone has a very skewed body image of herself, constantly thinking she is fat despite aggressive and constant dieting, there is a good chance she may be suffering from anorexia. There are also more visible physical symptoms excessive weight loss or weight gain, physical weakness and a skin-and-bones look. Bulimics may have yellowed teeth from vomiting as well as puffy cheeks. People with eating disorders often also have aggressive exercise regimens. These regimens may be sporadic, or they may occur constantly depending on the disorder.

Ultimately, the best way to spot eating disorder symptoms is to keep your eyes and ears open and be honest with yourself. If you're wondering if a friend has an eating disorder, you'll probably see signs in her poor body image and strange and unhealthy relationship to food. If you want to know if you have an eating disorder, you should be able to find out by looking at your own actions and attitudes.
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