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The Effectiveness of Birth Control you Use - when you

The Effectiveness of Birth Control you Use - when you are Poor and have Little Education

When women try to read up on the effectiveness of birth control of different kinds for help making up their minds in what to go with, maybe there is one little thing that they don't really take into account as much as they should - sabotage. Of course, it is a fortunate thing that most women will never have to worry about this, being with trustworthy partners as they are. For some women though, trust happens to not really be something they can take for granted with their partners. There is a report that's just come out that calls attention to this. What the report says is this: with men who are given to relationship abuse of some kind, it isn't unknown that they would attempt to force a pregnancy on their partners by sabotaging the effectiveness of birth control measures their partners use.

Mostly, this kind of thing happens with teenagers or young adults - especially ones who have little education and who live a low income lifestyle. All of this becomes apparent in a report published by the National Domestic Violence Hotline. What the report finds is, that fully one quarter of women who call the domestic violence helpline are aware that their attempts at birth control have been sabotaged in one way or the other. Either the partner surreptitiously does away with a condom or straight out uses violence and force to make sure that the woman involved doesn't use her birth control. Sometimes women would report how the men in their lives would snip holes in their condoms, sometimes they would just throw away their birth control pills - it ran the whole gamut of lowlife behavior possible. Women who live in abusive relationships need to really plan for any kind of effectiveness of birth control method. Sometimes they have to keep their pills at work; some women hide their pills somewhere in the home. And every time they have a period, they need to really quake in fear because their partners will realize that they've been taking their birth control pills and haven't become pregnant yet.

So why on earth would these men do this? Why would they fool around with the effectiveness of birth control methods their girlfriends use? Why are they so intent on having them become pregnant? Researchers believe that there could be a few possibilities here. Some of these men live dangerous lives of crime. When they aren't really sure of how long they are going to be around, they hope for some kind of legacy - a child to carry their name forward. Some men come from broken families and feel that if they start a family on their own, things could somehow be more wholesome. And some men just feel that having babies all over town is some kind of badge of honor - of their virility. Sometimes, they just feel that weighed down by baby, the woman in their lives will think twice about leaving them. Truly pathetic reasons, of course.

All of which, scientists need to take into account when they design new kinds of birth control and think about how effective they can be.
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