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An Ergonomic Computer Mouse that Looks the Part - the

An Ergonomic Computer Mouse that Looks the Part - the Swiftpoint

To most people, the term "ergonomic" used to describean object, usually ends up calling to mind the image of something that is obviously unconventional in its design - and quite futuristic-looking. By that measure, the Swiftpoint ergonomic computer mouse is clearly a device that completely deserves to be called "ergonomic". To begin with, you wouldn't even know it was the mouse unless you were shown what it did.

The Swiftpoint (it helps you point swiftly, gettit?) is nothing if not unusual. To begin with, it is very small; and then, you don't hold it the way you hold a mouse. If there is any kind of analog you're looking for, you could say you hold like you do a pen (not that it looks like a pen). Is this an ergonomic computer mouse? It depends on how small your hands are, and how long you plan to use your computer every day. For those who have large hands and who are at their computers hours every day, this may really not be that ergonomic at all. For those who don't use their computers that long and who have small hands (and who happen to be right-handed too, by the way), it'll be a great device to have around for about $60. The thing itself is just about 2 inches long and a little more than an inch wide.

It has a place where you can rest your right thumb in a cushioned rubberized bed, and the left and rightmouse buttons are placed along the center of the thing. Your index finger rests on a different area of the device and operates the scroll wheel. What you do marvel at, holding this ergonomic computer mouse, is how intuitively the thumb grip is designed. The device connects wirelessly to your computer through a really small USB receiver. And it will attach through magnets to the bottom of your mouse to help charge the internal battery. You just need to make sure that while you're doing this, you don't end up losing that tiny USB dongle. If your laptop's USB ports are all set close together, the mouse is just going to block everything while it charges.

What makes the Swiftpoint particularly ergonomic is the fact that it has an amazing scroll method. It works spectacularly, and it's very easy to manipulate. The mouse itself isn't programmable at all though, which may be a problem to some users who can't do without customization options. In general, this is certainly a device you want to check out. It's not that expensive; and for people who like to make heads turn while they casually go about using their computers, this really is a must-buy.
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