Diet Tips

Holy Water

We all have our own take on the supernatural. The concept of God is a powerful one, yet many of us still have our doubts. Okay, let's come clean here. Virtually everyone doubts the existence of a deity on some level. A close friend of mine refuses to believe in a higher power. He always says that if God exists, show him to me. Obviously no one can literally do this. They can recite scriptures and talk about faith, but they can never show you a tangible being of entity. But that's just it; with creeds and religious beliefs it's all about faith. How much do you have? Take the notion of holy water for example. Supposedly the blessing of a priest or religious official makes it "holy" or more unique/powerful. But is this reality or simply another faith issue? And better yet, how can it be proven?

When most of us hear the words "holy water," our thoughts immediately go to one place. Yeah, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Vampires! It's all about what the media has instilled in our heads. Think films and television shows that date back our 50 years. The concept of vampires has been around for a long time. And ever since it began, there has been the issue of holy water. This has to do with light and dark. Men and women of God represent all that is good, and the vampires represent the dark side. So it's only natural that water blessed by a priest will hurt a vampire. It has the essence of God in it. The vampire's worst and most feared rival. The TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" probably played off of this idea more than any other show or film. She even had holy water in her precious chest full of weapons. If the liquid makes contact with a vampire's skin, he/she will feel the burning fury of Christ. It's similar to touching the beast with a cross.

Okay, let's get realistic for a moment. How much faith do you actually invest in holy water? Do you think it is physically different from regular tap water, or is it all a supernatural thing? The funny part is the fact that you can purchase the stuff online. Hey, I guess you never know when you might need a vile or two in order to fight off a few vamps. Right?
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