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Tips on How to Interview a Candidate on Skype

Have you ever researched the Internet for tips on how to take an interview? Did you ever think though, about how your interviewer could be just as anxious as you to find a great way to tackle the interview? The interviewer, most people seem to think, has an easy job - he just gets to ask questions and gets you to sweat and stammer. People think that an interviewer's job gets especially effortless when he interviews a potential employee over Skype. Talk about phoning in an interview. An interview conducted over Skype though, happens to be quite a bit more difficult for an interviewer than a regular face-to-face one. It needs quite a bit of extra planning.

In a time when businesses are anxious to find ways to economize and to save a few dollars wherever possible, using video technology to conduct an interview can be an important source of thrift. An interviewer needs to know that a Skype interview can potentially gain him about 90% of what he could learn about a candidate through a face-to-face interview. Here's what an interviewer needs to know about how to make the most of a Skype interview situation.

An interviewer faced with a WebCam and the Skype interface that is familiar to him through chatting with friends, is likely to let that familiar old friendly feeling take over him for serious business conducted over Skype as well - just because it is what he is usually used to doing on Skype. Tthe familiar old Skype feeling has to be set aside. Apart from the medium through which the interview is conducted, a Skype interview requires just the same pace, the standards and the level of professionalism that you would exercise in a face-to-face interview.

One of the most frustrating things about using Skype or another video Internet technology in an interview is the flakiness of the technology involved. Think about it - if your Skype connection was pretty solid and you were completely at ease with the technology, but the candidate you were interviewing came on with an unreliable connection or made mistakes using Skype, wouldn't it reflect poorly on him in your eyes? It would reflect poorly on you and the company you represent if you interviewed a candidate with imperfect technology just the same. You need to make sure that whatever Internet technology you use to conduct your interview, that you learn it very well. For instance, learning how to interview on Skype, you need to make sure that you use a wired ethernet connection as opposed to a Wi-Fi connection that can be flaky. You also want to make sure that you have very quiet surroundings - your cubicle in a crowded office just won't do. You need to think about lighting angles, you need to make sure that you look presentable as does the backdrop visible over the Internet.

Finally, make sure that you make use of Skype's recording function. If you are just learning about how to interview someone using the Internet, going over your interview afterwards, you'll probably able to zero in on spots where you didn't do as well as you might have.
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