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Consumer Technology Innovations around the Corner

If you have ever read a hi-fi magazine on a regular basis ever, it's likely that you often come across a running joke that reviewers of hi-fi speaker systems like to take up from time to time. The joke has do with how husbands are always salivating over a monster speaker system and how they can never get one because their wives think that hulking black columns will hardly go with the pretty flower patterns on the couch and the curtains. Setting aside for a moment how that's kind of insanely sexist, if all women did hate big old speakers in their living rooms because they didn't go with the decor, what would be the way out for a sound lover? Technology innovations that are beginning to appear this year are squarely addressed at problems just like this one. Let's check out a few of the best technology innovations that are on line for release this year.

Let's start with that bulky speaker problem. A new audio design company called Emo Labs has the solution to this one. Their innovative product is called the EdgeMotion speaker system. The technology involves having a clear transparent sheet of plastic act as a speaker diaphragm. The applications for such a thing can be truly astonishing. Do you hate how you can buy a 60 inch flat-panel monster and how you have to make do with tinny speakers built into the enclosure? Do you love taking your laptop with you when you travel but hate how you have to wear headphones to get any kind of sound out of it? You don't need to worry about that any longer. The EdgeMotion speaker system is a clear sheet of plastic that can be installed as an overlay over your screen. The larger the screen, the larger the speaker. Imagine a woofer with a 60 inch cone! It can be just that powerful and it doesn't need a massive separate speaker box at all. Look forward to this one pretty soon.

First there was the Nintendo Wii that wowed videogame enthusiasts around world with its ability to allow you to control a game with your movements. And then, the Kinect for the Xbox really appeared to give you complete power to control your game with your body. But compared to what's coming next, these seem quite primitive (remember the second part of the Back to the Future or series where Marty tries to impress two little boys from the future with his chops on an arcade style videogame and they laugh at him for being so primitive as to use his hands on a game?). The next greatest thing in videogames is the Emotive Epoc headset.

The basic idea of this controlling device is that you are supposed to be able to control your game with nothing more than your thoughts. You wear this headset with all its sensors strapped to your skull, you train it with a training program involving controlling a shape on the screen, and away you go. The training period involves this orange box on the screen. Wearing the headset, you are supposed to get it to move any which way you command it to. This should be fun.
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